Square function estimates and Local smoothing for Fourier Integral Operators
Speaker: 刘博辰(南方科技大学)
Time: 2020-12-15,15:00-16:30
Location: 腾讯会议: 156 225 668
200-9, Sir Shaw Run Run Business Administration building,School of Mathematical Sciences, Yuquan Campus
Abstract: We discuss some recent progress on the local smoothing conjecture for FIOs. In particular, we prove a variable coefficient version of the square function estimate of Guth--Wang--Zhang, which implies the full range of sharp local smoothing estimates for 2+1 dimensional Fourier integral operators satisfying the cinematic curvature condition. As a consequence, the local smoothing conjecture for wave equations on compact Riemannian surfaces is settled. This is a joint work with Chuanwei Gao, Changxing Miao and Yakun Xi.
Contact Person: WANG Meng, (mathdreamcn@zju.edu.cn)