Local smoothing for the wave equation in 2+1 dimensions
Speaker: 张瑞祥(School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study)
Time: 2020-12-15, 9:00-11:00
Location: 腾讯会议: 577 608 897
Abstract: Sogge's local smoothing conjecture for the wave equation predicts that the local L^p space-time estimate gains a fractional derivative of order almost 1/p compared to the fixed time L^p estimates, when p>2n/(n-1). Jointly with Larry Guth and Hong Wang, we recently proved the conjecture in \Bbb{R}^{2+1}. I will talk about several important ingredients in our proof such as induction on scales and an incidence type theorem.
Contact Person: WANG Meng, (mathdreamcn@zju.edu.cn)