
Singularity Type for Kahler-Ricci Flow over Minimal Manifolds

来源:数学科学学院 发布时间:2023-09-20   459


时间:2023918日 (星期一)下午16:00-17:00 


摘要: in this talk, we start by describing the history of the study on this Kahler-Ricci flow, usually considered as the easy-sign version. The degenerate setting has been the main interest for the past 2 decades, following Tian’s Program which was later elaborated as Analytic Minimal Model Program in Song-Tian’s works. A board spectrum of techniques have been involved in the progress. We focus on the recent result by Wondo-Z regarding the types of infinite time singularities which is for the case of minimal manifolds), extending earlier works by Yashan Zhang and confirming a conjecture by Tosatti.




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