
动力系统讨论班——Likely Intersections for Forward Orbits of Curves

来源:数学科学学院 发布时间:2024-05-11   10

报告人:Jit Wu Yap (哈佛大学)

时 间:2024 5 16  日(星期四),下午3:00-4:00

 点:海纳苑2 102

摘 要:Let $f,g$ be two polynomials of degree $d > 1$ and let $\varphi = (f,g)$ be the endomorphism acting on $P^1 x P^1$. Given two curves $C$  and  $C'$,  we  expect  that  the  forward  iterates  of  $C$,  given  by $\varphi^n(C)$, to intersect $C'$ at many distinct points. We show that outside  of  some   exceptional   cases,   this  is  true  under  a  technical assumption of the Julia sets of $f$ and $g$. This is joint work with Sina Saleh.


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