动力系统与分形几何讨论班——Lp estimates of orthogonal projections, dual Furstenberg problem, and discretized sum-product
报告摘要: L2 estimates of orthogonal projections are classical in geometric measure theory. In this talk we shall discuss about recent progress on Lp estimates. Then we come up with a dual version of the Furstenberg problem and introduce some partial results. We also find that, compared with general sets, Cartesian products have better Lp-behavior. This leads to improvement on some discretized sum-product estimates. This is joint work with Longhui Li.
报告人简介:刘博辰,南方科技大学副教授,本科毕业于浙江大学,博士毕业于美国罗切斯特大学,主要从事调和分析、几何测度论、组合数学相关研究,已在GAFA, PLMS, AJM, IMRN等国际著名期刊发表论文多篇。