
浙大-西湖几何分析讨论班——A class of projectively flat Finsler metrics

来源:数学科学学院 发布时间:2024-09-24   10


时  间:20241017日(周1600-17:00

地  点海纳苑2106

摘  要Projectively flat Finlser metrics on a convex domain ${U}$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ are regular solutions to Hilbert's Fourth Problem. In this lecture, we discuss projectively flat Finlser metrics on ${U}$. We find equations that characterize these metrics with weakly orthogonal invariance, refining a theorem due to Sol$\acute{o}$rzano-Le$\acute{o}$n. As its application, we obtain infinitely many $new$ projectively flat Finlser metrics on $\mathbb{S}^{n+1}$ and determine their scalar flag curvature. These metrics contain Bryant's projective spherically symmetric Finsler metric of constant flag curvature $1$.


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