
代数几何讨论班——Minimal model program for algebraically integrable foliations and generalized pairs

来源:数学科学学院 发布时间:2024-11-14   10

报  告  人:韩京俊(复旦大学)


报告地点:数学楼(海纳苑2幢 )720室

报告摘要:   Algebraically integrable foliations and generalized pairs are two structures that play important roles in modern birational geometry, specifically in the minimal model program. Recently, we showed we may run the minimal model program for both algebraically integrable foliated dlt foliations and lc generalized pairs; that is, we proved the cone theorem, contraction theorem, and the existence of flips. This is joint work withGuodu Chen, Jihao Liu, and Lingyao Xie.

联 系 人:吴磊(0023042@zju.edu.cn)

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