代数几何讨论班——Double star arrangements and the pointed multinet
报 告 人:刘永强(中国科学技术大学)
报告地点:数学楼(海纳苑2幢 )720室
报告摘要: Let A be a hyperplane arrangement in a complex projective space. It is an open question if the degree one cohomology jump loci (with complex coefficients) are determined by the combinatorics of A. By the work of Falk and Yuzvinsky, all the irreducible components passing through the origin are determined by the multinet structure,which are combinatorially determined. Denham and Suciu introduced the pointed multinet structure to obtain examples of arrangements with translated positive-dimensional components in the degree one cohomology jump loci. Suciu asked the question if all translated positive-dimensional components appear in this manner. We show that the double star arrangement introduced by Ishibashi, Sugawara and Yoshinaga gives a negative answer to this question.
联 系 人:吴磊(0023042@zju.edu.cn)