(5月11日) Entropy Maximization in Finance
Title: Entropy Maximization in Finance
Speaker:Prof. Qiji Zhu, Department of Math. Western Michigan University
Time: 1:30--3:00pm, May11, 2017
Venue: lecture hall on 4th floor of Sir Run-Run Shaw Business Building
Abstract: We highlight the role of entropy maximization in several fundamental results in financial mathematics. They are the two fund theorem for Markowitz efficient portfolios, the existence and uniqueness of a market portfolio in the capital asset pricing model, the fundamental theorem of asset pricing, the selection of a martingale measure for pricing contingent claims in an incomplete market and the calculation of super/sub-hedging bounds and portfolios. The connection of diverse important results in finance with the method of entropy maximization indicates the significant influence of methodology of physical science in financial research. Entropy maximization is a special case of convex duality method which has wider application in finance.