
数学所讲座| Common preperiodic points and its application

来源:数学科学学院 发布时间:2020-06-19   570


题目:  Common preperiodic points and its application

报告人: 叶和溪 研究员 (浙江大学数学学院)

摘要:  Preperiodic points play an important role in the study of dynamics. In this talk, we discuss the number of common preperiodic points of two rational functions on $\P^1$. As an application, we use it to count the number of torsion points on a family of genus two curves. 

时间:2020年6月29日(周一), 下午1:30-2:30

地点: 浙江大学玉泉校区欧阳楼316 

参考文献:Annals of Mathematics 191 (2020), 949-1001



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